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Shopping For The Apocalypse


The song was inspired by a comment Burke overheard at a market. "The lady behind me in line was watching people purchase large quantities of items and said 'Hmm, shopping for the apocalypse'. So being a musician the little bell in my head went off…that would be a good song title! The only problem I had writing this song was deciding how many

The song was inspired by a comment Burke overheard at a market. "The lady behind me in line was watching people purchase large quantities of items and said 'Hmm, shopping for the apocalypse'. So being a musician the little bell in my head went off…that would be a good song title! The only problem I had writing this song was deciding how many verses to have. It could have gone on forever so I kept it at 8 verses and finished the song.” Burke did the vocals and is playing all the instruments except the drums which he programmed.

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Shopping For The Apocalypse
Written, Performed and Produced by Burke

Lyrics by Burke

Got to get me some canned peas 

And some booze and batteries 

It’s kinda like a hurricane  

(oh yeah) 

Got to get me some Black Flag 

Got to get me some ZigZags 

Got to get me some trash bags 

(Oh Yeah) 

I’m shopping for the Apocalypse 

I’m shopping for the Apocalypse 

Gotta get more T P 

Bought all there was on aisle 3 

No more far as I can see 

(oh yeah) 

They said to shoot Lysol 

Said that would cure us all 

I didn’t buy that at all 

(oh yeah) 

I’m shopping for the Apocalypse 

I’m shopping for the Apocalypse 

I went to Walgreens 

They didn’t have no vaccine 

So I got some Thorazine 

(oh yeah) 

Gonna get me a back hoe 

What for I don’t know 

Better get some ice cold beer 

(oh yeah) 

Might have bought too much 

No more room for more stuff 

What if it ain’t quite enough 

(oh yeah) 

Got to get me a test kit 

And a mask with a tight fit 

I’m gonna get tired of this 

(oh yeah)

I’m shopping for the Apocalypse 

I’m shopping for the Apocalypse

I’m shopping for the Apocalypse 

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